Sunday, December 28, 2008

Update on Russian Missionary Family

On Christmas Eve, Scott and I asked for prayer for the Kunakaev family of Siberia, Russia. Ravil and Julia are native Russians serving a Siberian mission church and are supported by my sister's church in Springfield. Julia is in the sixth month of her second pregnancy and they discovered that she has the RH factor problem so that baby's life is at risk. She was in a hospital in one city being treated, they are trying to get her to the 30th week for a C-section. While she was in the hospital their 2 year old daughter, Margaretha, became ill with an unidentified illness. She was taken to a different hospital. She went into kidney failure and a coma and was on life support. God answered our prayers. On Christmas Day, my sister called to tell me that Margaretha came out of the coma and was taken off life support. Her mother was also home from the hospital. Please continue to pray for this family. The last I heard the doctors still didn't know what caused her illness. They think it is some kind of toxin. Also pray for Julia and their unborn child. Also pray for Ravil's father who is a Muslim. Pray that this miracle opens doors to share the Gospel and glorify God the Great Physician.

Pam Powers

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Letter To Our Wonderful Family

Dear Church Family,

This past Sunday, I found it difficult to find appropriate words to express mine and my family's love for you all. I was taken by surprise with the gift and when that happens, I speak without thinking.

What I really wanted to say was thank you for thinking of us. The Lord does provide, and we needed provided for. His timing is always perfect.

We are so proud to belong to this church, I can't express it. Your thoughtfulness and benevolence always amaze us. What I tried to say, at church, was that the pleasure is mine to serve you all, in a small way. God has blessed me and my family, through you, more than I can say. The only words I can come up with are thank you. Thank you for allowing Pam and I to serve you. Thank you for serving our family. Thank you for helping us lead our children.

Pam and I have a love for all of you that is hard to express. The love that our pastor has for this church is unmatched, in my opinion, which cannot be overlooked. It is for this reason that I have entered into servanthood with trepidation, and grown to love working beside pastor and for you, the church. I am glad to serve, thank you.

May God bless you and keep you and may His light shine down upon you.

God bless,
Scott and Pam

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Real Twelve Days Of Christmas!

For more on this popular Christmas song, please visit our family farm blog at: You might enjoy the read.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ps 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

As we come closer to the Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to take this opportunity to share a few thoughts I had today.I had to spend my day fixing an emergency involving a decrepit rabbit hutch and an escapee.

I had to build a new hutch, which turned out better than expected, I might add. I'll share some pictures of it soon.

During this construction day, I had a period of reflection. No, this is not your typical "feeling blessed" moment. I am blessed, for sure, and I don't want to take that for granted. This time, however, I was reminded of something through one of the radio programs my little girls listen to.I was reminded how very important it is to be still. We all tend to get busy, or at least, have busy work to do. Farm life has more than its share in that area. This is why this concept is so poignant. "Be still and know that I am God..." the bible says.

This is much deeper than just stopping to smell the roses, indeed. All you have to do is sit still, with no sound but the sounds of creation around you, and know that He is God. There is a very comforting feeling in the knowledge that your God is right there, next to you.

In fact, one of the most important aspects to your prayer life is in being still, silent, listening for and to God. He still communicates with His people. There is much comfort in that, also. All too often, we get busy and forget how to be still. You know, a great place to do this is in the woods? This is a place, however small a slice, in which creation is witnessed in action. This is a great place to be still.Perhaps a fast is in order in our lives. Not a fast from food, but a fast from everyday technology and hustle. Maybe, being still could involve just a short time, in silence, concentrating on Jehovah God and seek Him.When we pray, do we take the time after the prayer has been uttered, to listen? I wonder how often we miss God's voice because we have to hurry off to another task. There are many distractions in this world that even make it difficult to not be of the world. But, perhaps, we should try.So, here's the challenge I propose. Take some time to be still. Be still and know He is God. I have a feeling this act would rejuvenate a tired body and rekindle a lost joy.

Ps 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

News From The Hope's

When I received this email from Karen Hope, I was encouraged from the message it contained. I think that Karen's message can apply to many of us in so many ways. Please read her letter and feel free to comment on it, letting us all know what Karen's letter means to you.

Breanna got out of the hospital last night. If she continues to do well over the next few days we are hoping Terry and Ian can come and bring us HOME! The people here are wonderful but we miss our family in Bull Shoals. Breanna is improving but she has a long recovery still. When you stretch your spinal cord hard enough to pull down on your brain stem and then cut it loose, you can expect some odd things to happen. It also affects the area where she has the syrinx in her upper spinal area. She is having some numbness in her left leg and still having vision problems but they are getting better. I think the best thing for now is to continue to pray. Pray specifically that God be glorified in everything we say or do. It is easy to get angry when I think she spent four days in the hospital because the emergency room doctor ordered a medicine she was allergic to, but I have to think of all the people who asked " when are you getting a lawyer?" It was so easy to say, " God had this in His plan" Then I would get the same question. "HOW can you be so CALM!!?" Oh how wonderful is our Father in heaven that I would be afforded the opportunity to explain the rest I find in Him! My body grows weary but my soul does not! I have had my moments indeed but it does not take long for me to find my peace in my Fathers arms. This has been such a struggle all my life and yet now it seems so natural. He is in control! How much more could you ask for? I have had my "WHY" moments as I watched Breanna struggle with pain I am sure I could not handle, but He reminds me the "why" is because He is the great I Am. It was so simple when I finally saw it. Will I ask "why" again? I am sure I will, but now I have the answer! I can return to Him over and over and not need a human answer to that question ever again. God does not answer prayer in our time or in our way but He never leaves us alone. People assume if God does not answer with healing if we have prayed for it, that He has either chosen not to answer or we did not pray correctly. That is so not true. He hears our every word. He wants to know our desire but we must believe that what happens after that prayer is His will and not ours or we do not really want His will but our own. I would praise Him every day if Breanna was miraculously healed and I will praise Him every day if she is not. It breaks my heart to see her struggle to have a life that is in the smallest of ways "normal" compared to this worlds standards. However, seeing her struggle may be hard but I can praise God she is here for me to see those struggles. I know her reward in heaven will be great because she never curses the Lord for His will in her life. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow closer to the Lord these last 36 days. We as a family have also become closer in so many ways.

Thank you all for your prayers, cards, letters and calls. We can't wait to get home!

P.S. sorry about the mini sermon, I am just overwhelmed by His love! As for the physical needs, we are fine here. You might ask Terry about what if any needs they have there.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Men's Meeting

Remember men, there will be a Men's Meeting held at the church, on Friday (tomorrow) the 31. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and may last until 8:30, no later.

Topics will vary, but the gist of this meeting will be to give a general overview of what we are going to be about.

I am very excited at this! This is something I have wanted in our church for a long time. So, remember to bring your bible and your sons (if you so wish) for a time of fellowship, prayer, bible study, discussion and testimony/accountability.

I look forward to seeing many of you there! If you can't make it, please make plans now for the next meeting that will be held on the last Friday of January. See you there!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Men's Meeting

Men, you are invited to attend a men's meeting to be held here, at the church, on Friday, October 31 beginning at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting should last about 2 hours.

In an effort to promote, encourage and minister to one another with the goal of Biblical manhood.
These meetings are planned to be held monthly, the last Friday of each month. Topics will vary, but the main ones will be:

A. Leadership in the home (teaching our children the commands and principles of God. And leading our wives as spiritual head of our homes.)

B. Church issues. (Leadership is not reserved for Pastor and Elders. It is for all men in the church.)

C. Bible study and prayer.

D. Encouragement/ministry.

E. Anything else that comes along, related to biblical manhood.

Please plan to attend and, by all means, bring your sons along. What better way for them to learn biblical manhood than from their fathers!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dear parents of Unit 40 men,
My name is Corrie Pendergast and I am the wife of your son's Commanding Officer in Basic Training. It is a joy for me to serve along side my husband and to lift up his hands in the hard times that Basic Training brings during these nine weeks. It isn't always an easy arena, but it is certainly where the Lord has called my husband and our family. Keon's vision and heart for the men who are under him are an example to many, and he gladly lays down his life for them. Thank you for the many who I know lift him up in prayer every day!
My husband asked if I would write and let you all know that the men of Unit 40 and their leadership have now started out on probably the hardest thing that the men have to do in Basic. They all left this morning (Wednesday) and headed for Oklahoma. They have camped out tonight and will begin tomorrow morning at about six o'clock their 50-mile, 24 Hour Hike. It certainly is a challenging hike, even for my husband and the leadership men that have done it before, but from all I ever hear after the fact, it is one of the most growing times for the men in their relationships with the Lord. They are pushed beyond their limits and the Lord is the ONLY one that can give them the strength for completing that hike. Please be in prayer for all of the men -- and until Friday around 6:00 AM -- for the Lord to be their "refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble." Sometimes it is through the intense pain of life that we learn the most!
We look forward to meeting each of you in just a couple of weeks! May the Lord's richest blessings be on you.
Prayerfully for the men of Unit 40,
Mrs. Corrie Pendergast
Wife of Capt. Keon Pendergast

Please pray for Jed during this time, especially, as he is struggling a bit. Pastor asked specifically for prayer that Jed would cry out to the Lord during this time and that Jed would lean upon Him.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I have sent this link to Breanna's Caringbridge site so people can keep up with what is going on. Please share this with the church so those who can will be able to check for updates. It saves me a lot of time if they can go there instead of having to send so many e-mails.

Love and Prayers,

Please go and visit. Pray for them. Send tham a card or letter, let them know you are thinking of them.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Breanna Update

It is hard to take in the fact that Breanna has both a spinal fluid leak and meningitis, however if they had only treated her for the leak then we would have had to treat the other later. Also we have had the privilage to minister to three families who have lost children while we were here. We do not know how they feel but we do understand the pain. We miss you all and we are grateful for the calls and cards.
Love, Karen

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Breanna Updates

I will put all three of the updates on this post as I just now saw them and it wouldn't make much sense to post three seperate times. Thus far, there are definately reasons to praise the Lord! Alas, therre are also many reasons to keep praying. So, without further delay, here are the emails, in the order I received them.

Breanna started getting up on her own last night. Her double vision is beggining to correct itself and she may check out of the hospital as early as this evening!
Love and Prayers,

Breanna will most likely be released today or tomorrow. We will be going to the RMH. There are a few neurological issues that need to be addressed yet. She is still having double vision all the time and they think she may need a sleep study because she does not breathe on her back the way she should whether she is medicated or not. This could be one of the reasons she has been so tired even when she sleeps. They also feel she should start occupational therapy as opposed to physical therapy. We may try and get some of the appointments with doctors up here since they are more familiar with her issues.

Breanna is out of the hospital and here at the RMH. He follow up visit is next Thursday and if all goes well we will start home next Friday. She is still seeing double and there are a few other things we are keeping an eye on. She said she never realized riding four blocks could be so hard! She is resting after taking some pain meds. Please continue to pray for her recovery and that the double vision will correct itself.
Love and Prayers,

Let me encourage all of us to continue in our prayer efforts. Remember, The fervant, effectual prayer of a righteous man, availeth much!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More Prayers, Please

Good Morning,
We discovered at 4:30 this morning that Breanna would continue breathing if we turned her on her side. She went to sleep at 5:00 and slept really hard until 8:00 when the nurse returned for vitals. She is resting well and turning from side to side with only a little help from us. She had a tough night but she is a tough young lady. Terry has returned to the RMH to sleep for a while then we will trade and I will try to sleep. We covet your prayers.
Love, Karen

Monday, October 6, 2008

Please Pray For Breanna Hope

Please pray for peace for Breanna. She is not afraid of the surgery but she dreads the recovery. She will have to lay flat on her back and it hurts her head to lay flat. She is dreading the pain from the surgery and the headache. She is very jittery and her heart keeps racing because of the fear of being in pain. I know God could take that from her. Not only the nervousness but also the pain. That is our prayer.
Love and Prayers,

Form Scott: I believe that Breanna is having surgery tomorrow (Tuesday, 7th), may I suggest a time of fasting and prayer on her behalf either tonight or tomorrow morning?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hope Update-A Time For Prayers

Breanna has a tethered spinal cord ( a mild form of spina befida) She will be having surgery on Tuesday to clip her spinal cord loose so it is not being pulled when she moves. She will have 3-5 days in the hospital and she will have to lay flat at all times until they see there are no spinal leaks. He usually keeps his patients at the Ronald Mcdonald house for a few days before he lets them travel. Please pray for continued grace and peace about this surgery.
Love and Prayers,

This is the address for sending mail

Ronald McDonald House
544 S. Drexel Avenue
Chicago, IL 60615

You can put our name on it and they will put it in our box.

Thank You,

A Prayer Request From The Hope's

I had forgotten how sad it is being here with these families. Every family has a tradgedy, some more than others. I am so overwhelmed by the grace of our Lord. I cannot imagine how the families with no faith make it from day to day. There is a beautiful little girl that is dealing with the fact that her cancer has returned and cannot be cured. A little boy with huge dark beautiful eyes that smile at you from a body the size of a child less than a year old when he is actually 3. He is in need of a kidney and liver transplant. A family fighting desperatly to keep their daughter alive at any cost because they have no hope or assurance of what happens after death. Please pray for us to keep our eyes on our Lord so that we may in some way touch their lives while we are here. My heart breaks not just for the physical state but the spiritual state of these families.
We love you all,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some Major Encouragement

I will be touching on these verses on Wednesday night (tomorrow). As I was reading them, I was struck by the glory that was to come to Christ, and the encouragement it gives to all of us. Here it is:
Ps 22:22 ¶ I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Ps 22:23 Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel. Ps 22:24 For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard. Ps 22:25 My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him. Ps 22:26 The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live for ever. Ps 22:27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. Ps 22:28 For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations. Ps 22:29 All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul. Ps 22:30 A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. Ps 22:31 They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this.

Doesn't that just make you cry AMEN! Praise God for His goodness.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Message From The Hope Family

We called the Ronald McDonald House today and they have a room for us! We are in Letchfield IL for the night and we will continue on to Chicago in the morning. Breanna is holding up but in a lot of pain. Tell everyone we miss them and please continue to pray for us.
Love and Prayers,
Terry and Karen

The Hopes will be pressing on to Chicago tomorrow (Sept. 30). We are praying for healing. We want the doctors to find an answer (from God) and have a cure. Please join us in this prayer!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

WOW! Those are some great pictures of the picnic! Thanks to the photographer, Jeremy Holeyfield and Robin Bardin for the post and the blog! Great job guys!

OK, Sundayschool class, get ready for Romans. We can camp ut in Romans for quite some time, as you know, but we will try to limit it (for now) to just a couple of Sundays. Harry Kite has been itching to teach and he has some great stuff lined up for us after we finish Romans.

For now, you can read as much of Romans as you can take. Specifically: 2 Cor. 13:1 compared with Acts 20:2; Romans chapter 1-to get an idea of the theme of the book; 2:11; 3:29 and 3:19,23.

Happy reading and don't forget to pray before you start! That is an important aspect of your study time. Come with questions and I'll see you on Sunday.


Church Picnic 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008


I was unaware how much wind it takes to shake the house. I can assure you that it takes a bunch, and a bunch is what we got.During the day, yesterday, I was confounded as to what project I should begin working on, here on the farm. The weather man was threatening all kinds of things, from tornadic extremes to flash flooding, all coming from Mr. Ike as he was looming below us like a cat in the weeds. I, for one, thought we were too far inland to be affected too much from a hurricane. "Aww, we'll get some rain, maybe a bit of wind." Brother, was I wrong!Anyway, I didn't know where to begin. I hated to get knee deep into something outside, just to get rained on and get all my tools wet. I needed to work on laying tile in the spare room, but we have chicks brooding in there. So, I did what any respectable man would do in this situation, I paced the floor. I don't sit well. I get antsy and fidgety. I tend to drive my wife nuts in times like this. "What should I do?" I shouldn't have asked her that.She suggested, in her sweet, loving tone, that I mix some "mud" (that's construction lingo for "mortar") and lay those already cut, waiting to be put down for years, tile sitting in a back closet.I did. I got out the mix and crunched up all the little clumps into a bucket that had been collecting moisture for ever, and mixed it up with water to FINALLY set those tiles. I get the feeling that every time I can't figure out what to do with my day, she has a list of things that need done. I don't ever have that list. I don't keep such a list. I am a man and I prefer to fly by the seat of my pants, thank you very much! God gives us wisdom in the voice of our wives.I felt pretty good at having finally gotten to those tiles. In fact, I asked myself, just what took so long. Sad thing is, I didn't have an answer. Now they just need to sit for a couple of days, then I can grout (or weeks, or months, or years...).I felt ambitious by now. I was looking for other odd jobs that I can conquer. Things to do on a rainy day that had not produced an ounce of rain yet. I sharpened some knives, cut a hole for the new cat house (why do you need a house for cats?), and even put in some time, outside, on the new chicken tractor.I was watching the sky the whole time. We even joked about how calm it seemed, that it was just the "calm before the storm". Around 4:00 pm, it did look awfully dark on the horizon. The sky turned a grey that seemed to veil all light. Still, it had not rained much.During dinner, we heard the radio sound the alarm for tornado warnings in Arkansas, just below us. Still, the weather radio never went off for us. Darker and darker the sky went. "This will pass us by without much fan fair," I'd thought.That evening, I gave the girls their bath and got them ready for bed, as usual. My wife had finished making apple sauce and cleaning up and was ready to read the girls their bedtime stories. I came into the office to upload some pics onto the blog (which you see below), all was normal. We went to be around 11:00 pm without much talk of thought to ol' Ike.I think it was around 2:00 am that I first heard the rain. It sounded like a million, no, billion drummers beating a march cadence on our metal roof. It was coming down hard! There was a point at which I thought the glass on our bedroom window might break. Around 4:30 am, I noticed the wind. The only way I can think to describe it is like being stuck behind a jet aircraft exhaust. It was a constant blast of air that shook the house. This is not to mention the gusts! I have no idea of wind speed, but it must have been nasty.From that point on, I slept very little. All I could think of was how happy I had been to get the new metal roof on the barn and not have to worry about leaks again. Then I thought about the wind ripping it off the barn. I tend to worry like that, I need to quit that. It can't be healthy.Still, the weather radio never went off, not until around 6:00 am to inform all of flash flooding. No tornadoes! I thought for sure we'd see those! I am thanking and praising God for His hand!I got up to go assess the damage and see if I could find the chicken tractors and pieces of metal roofing. I have to admit that I was surprised to find no missing metal or chicken tractors. The tractors especially as they are PVC and light weight. I am confident of the squat design to prevent the wind from rolling them, but this was a different wind that we have not experienced before. By golly, they were still there and intact! Praise God! Now I am more confident in their design than before.We lost electricity until about 8:00 am. We decided to fore go the showers and go to church anyway. I am glad we did, but I feel yucky and I need a shower. Until next time...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Good Article By A Fellow Christian

I found this good article posted on another blog. Check it out, I feel it is worth the read.

Don't forget, there will be no Sunday school this week as we are meeting in the Sanctuary in between services for a business meeting. See you all there!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sunday School

Hello class! This will be the last week we spend studying the Holy Spirit from the book of Acts. The following week we will move into Romans, which is exciting for me as Romans has come to mean a lot to me and my spiritual walk, I look forward to it.

I have word that Harry Kite would like to try his hand at teaching again, so you can look forward to that as well in the near future.

For this week, if you would like to read ahead, check out the following verses:
Gen. 1:2; 41:38
Isaiah 40:13; 48:16; 61:1; 63:10-14

Compared with the following:

Isaiah 11:2; 28:6

We will be taking a look at the question of a capital S and a lower case s. Good reading!

God bless you all and I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pearls of Wisdom

We receive the No Greater Joy news letter in the mail bimonthly, and enjoy the read very much. This month's issue struck me especially in a way that I had to put down some thoughts.For those of you who are wondering what in the world is "No Greater Joy", it is a ministry rooted in child training and Christian development, and has blossomed and been blessed to grow into many other things. All for the purpose of furthering the Gospel message. The founders are Mike and Debi Pearl. My wife and I have been learning from the Pearl's for several years now, and, as I stated, enjoy reading their newsletter very much.The Pearl's wrote an article this month entitled "Cloistered Homeshcooled Syndrome." This is, I must confess, a term that the Pearls have coined.Mr. Pearl begins the article by telling of a wonderful family they got to know, named the Folgers', who were home on furlough from the mission field. Mike Pearl admits that he was extremely impressed with this family and enjoyed their company very much. The story of the time the two families spent together is to contrast the other side, the one in which many christian homes face today.Just because we are Christians and happen to homeschool our children, does not negate the possibility the one or more of our children could be lost to the world. This happens to be one of my greatest fears, as a father, that I would lose one of my daughters to the world. So, when I read things of this nature, I do take a keen interest.The article goes on to describe the "other side", if you will. Mike Pearl defines Cloistered Homeschooled Syndrome as the "failure of the parents to understand, appreciate, and respect the individuality of their adult children."I have known, and do know, families like this. The identities of their children are sacrificed in order to serve their own emotional needs. Some would rather have complete obedience, at all costs, rather than develop their youth into the future adults they will become. "Adult children that want to launch out on their own are told that they are rebellious and disloyal..." says Mike Pearl.The article states that "medieval hierarchy" is taught as biblical truth. Men, let me take a stand here. I will not accept that God wanted for us to lord over our women and demand complete submission, without question, when He said that "man is the head of the woman". In fact, if you look at other scriptures, you will find that Christ admonishes us to "love our wives" as He has loved his church. How did Christ love his church? He gave Himself for it. Men, this is what we are called to do, give yourself for your family. There is no divine right, when it comes to family. God placed man at the head, yes, but like Christ, in His example, when He washed the feet of His disciples, we need to lead by serving.Too often, children will go astray because, as they reach adulthood, they are stifled by the patriarchal poppa and not allowed to find themselves. This may sound psychobabbly to you, but think about it. God gave us personalities for a reason. How would you know your son was to be a leader, unless you taught him to lead. Think about that.My prayer is that God has godly men chosen for my girls. That they will not be stifled so much that they miss them. I want to protect them from the evils of the world, indeed. We don't have TV, no public schools etc.. But that God will direct in all things.To read more from the Pearls, you can visit their website at or I have a link found at the right. Once there, you may subscribe to their bi-monthly newsletter, and receive it free of charge. Inside you will see all kinds of other things involving their ministry, check it out.

I cut and pasted this article from our personal farm blog and it didn't come out with all the proper paragraphs and such, oops.

Enjoy the read and leave any comments. Thanks.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lessons on the Holy Spirit

For those of you checking in and wanting to get a jumpstart on Sunday school, we will continue our discussion on the Holy Spirit from the book of Acts. This week will be on the relationship to Christ. We will throw in a study dome by Peggy Kratzer and, perhaps, shed some light on why "Spirit" is in caps part of the time and lower case the others. You can read the following:

Mt. 1:18-20
Mt. 3:16
Lk. 4:1,14
Romans 8:11
John 15:26

There will be others, but this will get oyu started. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Time Flies!!!!!!!

I have had a tremendously busy week, on top of trying to prepare a sermon. I know this may be late, but we have a few days to go, so here it is, your assignment.

Please read Acts 2:4 and compare it with 4:29-31; Eph 1:13-14 with 5:18.

The New Testament distinguishes between having the Spirit, which is true of all believers and being filled with the Spirit, which is the Christians priveledge and duty. There is one baptism of the Spirit, but many fillings with the Spirit.

Enjoy you study and I am sorry this came so late in the week. See you Sunday!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Thinking Ahead For Sunday School

Hi there. This is your semi qualified, pseudo-Sunday School teacher (I really should say "fellow student") Scott Powers.

This seems like old hat to me. We have a family blog here at blog spot you can check out at: I thank Robin for inviting me to contribute here. I really think this could be a great thing to help the people of our church stay connected. Robin had a good idea today in Sunday School, that I should share with you all what we will be talking about next week. This will give you the chance to read ahead, come up with questions, insight and general discussion. Truly, I think it could go a long way to enhance our time together.

I want you all to know, that I have come to enjoy our class. We fit together and seem to have connected in a way that seems intimate. I love and appreciate all of you, and encourage you to continue keeping me on my toes.

So, here is the list of verses to read for next week. Read them, study them and be ready. (Of course you know that this will make me work harder, don't you!) Go easy on me! (Kidding)

Read the following, keeping in mind that we will be talking about the progressive revelation concerning the Holy Spirit:
Zechariah 12:10
Luke 11:13
John 14:16-17
John 20:22
Acts 2:1-4
Acts 8:17; 9:17
Read all of Acts chapter 10, with special attention to verse 44 and 11:15-18
John 3:3-6
1John 5:1
1Cor. 12:12-13; 1John 2:20,27
Eph. 1:13; 4:30

This seems like a lot, I know. This won't take long to read and it is OK if you don't get through it all. Do the best you can and I will see you next Sunday! God bless you all.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

One of the most handsome cooks that volunteered their time and energy

during the SYC. (he is a good cook and also, my husband)

Jed and Sterling just fooling around and making everyone laugh. These are two of the nicest guys and as parents, we appreciate their care and concern for our kids in their care.

Summer Youth Camp has ended. Our children had a wonderful time and enjoyed themselve immensely. Here are some pictures of the fun activities they did.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer Camp at church is in full swing. If you want your children to have a time learning about God, playing with other children in a safe environment bring them to First Baptist Church.
The Summer Youth Camp is held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10 until 3 p.m. The cost is free and the memories are priceless. Dress is casual. Lunch is served.