Sunday, December 28, 2008

Update on Russian Missionary Family

On Christmas Eve, Scott and I asked for prayer for the Kunakaev family of Siberia, Russia. Ravil and Julia are native Russians serving a Siberian mission church and are supported by my sister's church in Springfield. Julia is in the sixth month of her second pregnancy and they discovered that she has the RH factor problem so that baby's life is at risk. She was in a hospital in one city being treated, they are trying to get her to the 30th week for a C-section. While she was in the hospital their 2 year old daughter, Margaretha, became ill with an unidentified illness. She was taken to a different hospital. She went into kidney failure and a coma and was on life support. God answered our prayers. On Christmas Day, my sister called to tell me that Margaretha came out of the coma and was taken off life support. Her mother was also home from the hospital. Please continue to pray for this family. The last I heard the doctors still didn't know what caused her illness. They think it is some kind of toxin. Also pray for Julia and their unborn child. Also pray for Ravil's father who is a Muslim. Pray that this miracle opens doors to share the Gospel and glorify God the Great Physician.

Pam Powers

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Letter To Our Wonderful Family

Dear Church Family,

This past Sunday, I found it difficult to find appropriate words to express mine and my family's love for you all. I was taken by surprise with the gift and when that happens, I speak without thinking.

What I really wanted to say was thank you for thinking of us. The Lord does provide, and we needed provided for. His timing is always perfect.

We are so proud to belong to this church, I can't express it. Your thoughtfulness and benevolence always amaze us. What I tried to say, at church, was that the pleasure is mine to serve you all, in a small way. God has blessed me and my family, through you, more than I can say. The only words I can come up with are thank you. Thank you for allowing Pam and I to serve you. Thank you for serving our family. Thank you for helping us lead our children.

Pam and I have a love for all of you that is hard to express. The love that our pastor has for this church is unmatched, in my opinion, which cannot be overlooked. It is for this reason that I have entered into servanthood with trepidation, and grown to love working beside pastor and for you, the church. I am glad to serve, thank you.

May God bless you and keep you and may His light shine down upon you.

God bless,
Scott and Pam

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Real Twelve Days Of Christmas!

For more on this popular Christmas song, please visit our family farm blog at: You might enjoy the read.
