Sunday, November 2, 2008

News From The Hope's

When I received this email from Karen Hope, I was encouraged from the message it contained. I think that Karen's message can apply to many of us in so many ways. Please read her letter and feel free to comment on it, letting us all know what Karen's letter means to you.

Breanna got out of the hospital last night. If she continues to do well over the next few days we are hoping Terry and Ian can come and bring us HOME! The people here are wonderful but we miss our family in Bull Shoals. Breanna is improving but she has a long recovery still. When you stretch your spinal cord hard enough to pull down on your brain stem and then cut it loose, you can expect some odd things to happen. It also affects the area where she has the syrinx in her upper spinal area. She is having some numbness in her left leg and still having vision problems but they are getting better. I think the best thing for now is to continue to pray. Pray specifically that God be glorified in everything we say or do. It is easy to get angry when I think she spent four days in the hospital because the emergency room doctor ordered a medicine she was allergic to, but I have to think of all the people who asked " when are you getting a lawyer?" It was so easy to say, " God had this in His plan" Then I would get the same question. "HOW can you be so CALM!!?" Oh how wonderful is our Father in heaven that I would be afforded the opportunity to explain the rest I find in Him! My body grows weary but my soul does not! I have had my moments indeed but it does not take long for me to find my peace in my Fathers arms. This has been such a struggle all my life and yet now it seems so natural. He is in control! How much more could you ask for? I have had my "WHY" moments as I watched Breanna struggle with pain I am sure I could not handle, but He reminds me the "why" is because He is the great I Am. It was so simple when I finally saw it. Will I ask "why" again? I am sure I will, but now I have the answer! I can return to Him over and over and not need a human answer to that question ever again. God does not answer prayer in our time or in our way but He never leaves us alone. People assume if God does not answer with healing if we have prayed for it, that He has either chosen not to answer or we did not pray correctly. That is so not true. He hears our every word. He wants to know our desire but we must believe that what happens after that prayer is His will and not ours or we do not really want His will but our own. I would praise Him every day if Breanna was miraculously healed and I will praise Him every day if she is not. It breaks my heart to see her struggle to have a life that is in the smallest of ways "normal" compared to this worlds standards. However, seeing her struggle may be hard but I can praise God she is here for me to see those struggles. I know her reward in heaven will be great because she never curses the Lord for His will in her life. I am grateful for the opportunity to grow closer to the Lord these last 36 days. We as a family have also become closer in so many ways.

Thank you all for your prayers, cards, letters and calls. We can't wait to get home!

P.S. sorry about the mini sermon, I am just overwhelmed by His love! As for the physical needs, we are fine here. You might ask Terry about what if any needs they have there.

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